Balancing Health Naturally: Ayurvedic treatment offers hope for kidney stone relief

Balancing Health Naturally: Ayurvedic treatment offers hope for kidney stone relief

Jul 14, 2024

In recent times, Ayurvedic medicine has gained recognition and popularity as a complementary approach to treating a variety of ailments, including kidney stones.

Ayurveda offers a unique perspective on kidney stones, which are caused by an imbalance in the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha), which regulate bodily functions and can lead to the accumulation of toxins and improper digestion, which can also cause kidney stones.

Treatment for kidney stones, which are formed when minerals and salts crystallize in the kidneys, can be extremely painful and uncomfortable.

Medications are often used to manage pain, and surgery is occasionally performed to remove large stones. However, these approaches may not always address the underlying causes or effectively prevent recurrence.

An Ayurvedic doctor in Delhi named Dr. Rajesh Sharma says, Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to kidney stones.

We determine the patient doshic imbalance and recommend diuretic and stone-dissolving medicines such as punarnava, gokshura, and varuna. We advise particular dietary changes in addition to herbs to stop stone recurrence.

The increasing popularity of Ayurvedic treatments for kidney stones stems from both its apparent efficacy in long-term management and their holistic approach.

Many patients report fewer side effects compared to conventional medications and appreciate the emphasis on natural healing methods.

Meera Patel, a patient who chose Ayurvedic medicine after traditional therapies were unable to stop the recurrence of her stone disease, describes her experience, Ayurveda gave me a deeper understanding of my body.

I haven't experienced a stone in more than two years thanks to customized food adjustments and herbal supplementation.

It's a tactful yet effective strategy.

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