From Clogged to Clear: 10 Ayurvedic Tricks to Outsmart Cholesterol and Dodge Strokes

Discover 10 powerful Ayurvedic remedies that'll have your cholesterol numbers plummeting faster than you can say "angioplasty.

Ayurveda Immune System: Secret Weapon in the Battle Against Bugs

Discover how ancient Ayurvedic wisdom can transform your immune system from a beat cop to a Navy SEAL

Glow Up, Goddess: Ayurveda's Ancient Beauty Secrets for Modern-Day Radiance

Discover the transformative power of Ayurvedic beauty practices and unlock your natural radiance with ancient wisdom for modern-day skincare.

Ayurveda & Mind-Body Balance: The Ancient Key to Modern Wellness

Enter Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine that promises to restore this elusive balance.

Bend, Breathe, and Bliss Out: Your No-BS Guide to Ayurveda Yoga & Movement

Bend, Breathe, and Bliss Out: Your No-BS Guide to Ayurveda Yoga & Movement

The Herbal Rebellion: Ayurveda's Secret Arsenal for Modern Warriors

Discover the potent world of Ayurvedic herbs and how they can revolutionize your health and vitality in our modern, chaotic world.

From Couch Potato to Ayurvedic Superhero: Unlock Your Body's Hidden Powers!

Discover how Ayurveda can transform your health, boost immunity, and skyrocket your energy levels - no magic wands required!

Ayurveda Unleashed: Supercharge Your Life Force

Discover how Ayurveda can revolutionize your health, boosting immunity, strength, and stamina through ancient wisdom and modern application.

History of Ayurveda

The word ‘veda’ means knowledge.The evolution of the Indian art of healing and living a healthy life comes from the four Vedas namely : Rig veda , Sama veda , Yajur veda and Atharva veda .


Ancient yet timeless, Ayurveda gives us the means of attaining and maintaining our own optimal health and well-being.

Balancing Health Naturally: Ayurvedic treatment offers hope for kidney stone relief

In recent times, Ayurvedic medicine has gained recognition and popularity as a complementary approach to treating a variety of ailments, including kidney stones.

​9 foods that are called "Amrit" in Ayurveda

Adding these Ayurvedic Amrit foods into your diet, you can harness the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to enhance your overall health and well-being